Wundermap forecast
Wundermap forecast

wundermap forecast wundermap forecast

The buttons in the top-right corner give you even more map views we’ll cover the WunderMap in another tutorial. You can also click the “ +” and “ –” buttons to zoom in or out on the map, or the play button to see conditions over time. Radar shows you the type and amount of precipitation, Satellite shows you temperature and clouds, and Webcams shows you live shots of current conditions. On the right side of the screen, you can click the three tabs on the map to get different meteorological views of your current area. Click Change Station to get readings for a different location. Let’s start with the window at the top of the screen, which shows you current weather conditions on the left. Wunderground will now show you weather information for the area you’ve selected.

wundermap forecast

Otherwise, finish typing in what you’re looking for, and then click Search. You can click the name of one of these suggestions to select it, if it’s what you’re looking for. However, let’s assume that you want to look for weather data for another area, perhaps somewhere you might be going on vacation soon.In that case, click in the box labelled “Where is Your Weather?” and type in the name of the city, state/province, country, or a nearby airport, or a postal/ZIP code.As you type, Wunderground may give you suggestions based on cities, states/provinces, countries, or airports that it knows.

  • Wunderground will usually be able to use your Internet connection address to automatically find the general area you’re in and give you weather data for that area.
  • Type in your web browser’s address bar.
  • Now that we’ve explained a bit about how Wunderground does all of the neat stuff that it does, the question in the forefront of your mind is probably “okay, but how do I use it to get the weather for my area?” Glad you asked! It’s actually quite easy, if Wunderground doesn’t do it for you itself! Just type in your city, a nearby airport, or your postal/ZIP code, and Wunderground will give you everything you need to know about the current weather in your area, plus a 10-day forecast! How to get weather data for an area on Wunderground

    Wundermap forecast